Friday, September 28, 2012

Define who you are.

You ought to define who you are. And for that you need to understand yourself. You need to stick to your principles, to your values and to your beliefs. You need to stand up for yourself. Your conscience should approve your conduct at every single moment you live. Otherwise you might not love yourself!
Make yourself clear. Let the world know who you are or rather what you are. 
Make sure that you are not identified as the one in your group. Be THAT ONE in that group.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

One thing at a time!

Most of the times, we pretend to be jugglers. We think we are "Multitasking".
But the truth is we are wasting our most valuable resource, time, on too many things at one time and the result is we end up performing at a mediocre level at everything. And that everything includes jobs we could have excelled at if we had concentrated only on that thing.

If someone asks me, "What do you prefer? Excelling at few things or being an average performer at many  tasks?", I would definitely chose to be The Best.

Sachin Tendulkar, Steve Jobs, Dhirubhai ambani. Every one did the same. They concentrated on one single task at a time and they did it well. And they did it again and again.

There is nothing called multitasking at a place where Excellence is expected.

Keep things simple.One thing at a time and all things in succession.This is the only way to excellence.

Start now. Take a pen and a paper, list out all your priorities and rank them. You will definitely have trouble in deciding what should top the list and this is where winners stand apart!