Something a prof of mine used in a lecture today. I started writing the post under the "Assumption" that it's not an established word and made a futile attempt to build a theory to try establish the word. I don't know what took me so long, but I googled it after I thought I was done with the post. Looks like few mathematicians tried to be creative before I woke up. Never mind. Here goes my version.
When I first read the central limit theorem, I did not understand how could anyone have come up with that idea. How did that man know that he would end up with a normal distribution?How large is that large exactly? And why would anyone want to think about that "large" number anyway? Can't we just deal with few things that we know ? Many such questions I can't recall now used to hover around that confused brain of mine. This was about four years ago, when I did not realize that I would be doing the exact same thing in a few years. I will assume things to make my life easy. Only then can I call myself an engineer.
We engineers take it granted that we have infinite/almost infinite number of data samples to arrive at a nice comfortable conclusion and make our lives easy. But in reality, we might not even have a sufficient number of observations. We live in this assumed utopian world of asymptotism. Every thing settles down, when the number of samples become infinity. It's in nature that n makes everyone happy when it goes to infinity. We push it, torture it and send it to that place and only then, we breathe in peace. We leave it to the statisticians to do the math and prove that we are right. Mind you, we always turn out to be right.
This approach is fine as long as we are just crunching numbers, converging some functions. But try not applying it to life. This world ain't utopia and we cannot push life to asymptopia.
Don't say things will eventually settle down when you have scars in a relationship. They might get your relationship closer to the breaking point. Work on issue as soon as you realize something's wrong.
Don't say I will eventually figure something out. You might end up doing nothing. It's good to explore but not that good if you are using it as a cover for your laziness. There is no zone of eventual bliss. All we have is a limited number. Of everything. Try using it to the fullest.
P.S.All right. I got carried away :P