Be surrounded by enthusiastic people. People whom you admire. People who you want to be. People who inspire you. Because their stardust rubs off on you.
If you want to become fit, join the company of fitness freaks. Because in their company, you cannot talk of being lazy. You cannot tell you do not want to workout.
If you want to read regularly, join a reading group. Observe how people think and talk armed with the knowledge of their recent reads.
If you are in a good company, you cannot escape the genius in you because you start yourself valuing more and cannot bear performing less. You cannot resign yourselves to mediocrity. You will want to and you WILL be at your best.
If you want to read regularly, join a reading group. Observe how people think and talk armed with the knowledge of their recent reads.
If you are in a good company, you cannot escape the genius in you because you start yourself valuing more and cannot bear performing less. You cannot resign yourselves to mediocrity. You will want to and you WILL be at your best.