Monday, May 21, 2012

Be that Special One!

Be a star!
Ablaze with an indomitable passion.
With a vision of  nothing but  reaching the zeniths.

Be a child!
With an indissoluble inquisitiveness and unadulterated innocence.
Deeds from your heart and speech that cheers up the man.

Be a river!
Serene and tranquil.
With an undeterred focus towards your goal, serving everyone throughout the odyssey.

Be a magnet!
Attract people, who hate you, with your love.
Stay away from people who act like you when they are with you.

Be that special one!

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Running into an old friend after a tiresome day and
cherishing your sweet memories over a cup of coffee.

Starting a journey alone and 
saying good byes, at your destination, to the new friends in your next seat.

Walking on a road and 
watching a dad,  with his cute little daughter holding his fingers, walk before you.

Waking up in the middle of night and
preserving the dream you just had in your diary.

Your sibling sending you a card,
telling how much you mean to him and how special you are!

A friend calling you in the middle of night and 
sharing both his happiness and troubles because he trusts you more than himself.

Random yet beautiful things! 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Something new!

I randomly came across a book with hundred best English poems and I couldn't get my head out of the ocean of literature for a long time.
I always used to like poetry since my school days. The way my English teacher sang the poems with emotions, the way she explained the essence of the writings always made me wonder how the poets could describe their feelings so beautifully. 
I now want to give it a try and let my creative juices flow :P.
So, here I start with a starter about my favorite time of the day. TheTwilight...

After a long day, She arrives;
Hiding the mighty hot ball behind the mountains;
Embracing the tired soul with a soothing breeze.

She is a guest who is always welcome,
For She brings with her a gift.
A gift of pleasant memories
and a sea of thoughts to ponder upon.

Promising the cluttered mind a peaceful journey,
She makes way for the enigmatic night.
Opening the doors to a different world.
A world where anything and everything is possible.

P.S. Pardon me if you were expecting it to rhyme :P

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Heylo folks!!

A lot has been happening since a month and fortunately, everything is working out pretty well.

For starters, I am here, in Nashville, for my intern and I am loving it!

My disastrous performance in the semester exams didn't reflect in the results :P.. I seriously dunno how and why. Professors might have either been in a good mood or drowsy while giving me grades :P....
and Yay! Only one more year to go!

My instructor at intern is both handsome (:P)and a geek.
I have an awesome roomie who is teaching me how to cook and I can actually cook edible dishes now :D.

The bottom line is I feel ........
Awesome is the word!